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Where I’ve been

I think all travel lovers have an addiction for tagging a travel map. I love marking new places on my map every time I visit a new place.  I mark all my movements on the Trip Advisor map as it allows you to add cities as well, not just countries. According to the statistics on my Trip Advisor travel map I have visited 29% of the world – that is 521 cities in 37 countries spanned across 4 continents. I have been to some countries in Europe several times and although this is not a race to tick off as many countries as possible to get it done I feel that ticking a map marks my achievements.

My mission is to discover as much of the natural world is possible. So most probably you’ll find me where natural beauty abounds. My bucket list instead of getting shorter, gets longer as I discover about new wonderful destinations. I had even wrote a blog post on my bucket list; however I always end up visiting other places.

Below is my travel map, with all the galleries and blog posts categorised per country. Just click on the country and all the posts related to that country will show up.

Check out all the destinations sorted by country: