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What am I doing here?

By 01/04/2015February 18th, 20182 Comments

Welcome to my photography and travel blog

I have been working on this site for quite a few months. I wanted to showcase all the photos I took along the past few years. There have been quite a few people who told me that I should take photography more seriously. Yes but how? I decided to invest some money to create a website and thus here I am, writing a travel blog about my photography adventures and what I have learned in the past years. I am not a full time photographer lenise calleja travel blogsince I work as an Italian teacher in a secondary school and thus I have limited time to practice what I love to do most: travel and photography. Moreover I am constrained by holidays, and cannot travel whenever I want to. However I still do my best to be at the right place at the right time. I hope you enjoy reading the stories behind some of my best shots 🙂

Don’t forget to follow me on social media: Facebook: , Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest and Instagram

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