Malta Travel Photography
This is my lovely homeland, the tiny island of Malta. It is a love-hate relationship between us as sometimes I feel lucky to have been born here but others I feel that this country is too small. Lucky because of its strategic location. Malta is 2 hours away from 3 different continents; Europe to the North, Africa to the South and Asia to the East. Unlucky because it is so small and it feels that there is nothing else new to see. However one thing is sure; I cannot say that my island is not photogenic. Despite its size, Malta boasts stunning scenery which vary from seascapes to lush countryside. Apart from this the cultural aspect cannot be compared with anywhere else; historical buildings, festivals and events, religion, food, nightlife etc. When I am abroad I am always glad to return to my tiny rock. However this feeling only lasts a couple of hours or maybe days, after which I feel the need to explore something new to breathe different air and experience the thrills of seeing something new.
Blog posts from Malta:
Merry Christmas the traditional way
Malta’s Wild West – Part 1 (Southern Coast)