Food Photography
This is a collection of food from all around the world, including my kitchen 🙂 When I travel I love to experience new flavours of local dishes. Afterwards maybe try to replicate them when I get back home. My favourite cuisines are Mediterranean and Asian, however I love to experiment with all kinds of flavours and ingredients. From time to time I post some recipes on my blog as well, so stay tuned! Food photography is not straight forward and can be quite tricky. The most challenging in my opinion is getting the correct lighting, as I don’t have a studio and most of these shots where taken while travelling. Therefore I have to try to capture the best angle with the available light, which is usually quite bad in restaurants. The situation gets even more complicated when you are outside, like the Asian street markets.
However, my biggest obstacle is the fact that when I have the food in front of me, it’s quite difficult to resist tasting it. Photographing food can prove to be difficult at home since I am always super hungry and too eager to try it. I keep on saying, I will cook this plate again and take a photo next time. I need to work on resisting this temptation! Finally, I believe that the most important element in capturing food is trying to whet the appetite of the viewer and I try to do my best at conveying (even if it is just a tiny hint) what the food actually tastes like.